One of the tools to thrive in this new Age of Aquarius is to analyze information from the date, time and place you were born. I have the amazing software to help you order your very own Personal and Professional Birth Analysis Report!
Have you ever wondered what the Cosmos can tell you about your life by analyzing the day you were born?
Here are some benefits offered by a Personal and Professional Birth Analysis:
* Learn about all aspects of your personality
* Discover your identity and life path
* Learn what drives and motivates you, and your best mental learning style
* Find your best talents that will increase your abundance
* Know how to best select and enhance relationships
* Make peace with your past
* Find your challenges and best way to transform them
* Know your destiny
* Encourage your children to live up to their highest potential
I love for parents to receive these reports about their children - it is a very helpful tool to better understand them and their journey, and perhaps what you are here to learn from them?!!
Your Report will have a full color Natal Chart and up to 20+ pages of information all about YOU! These reports are stunningly accurate and you will learn many valuable insights about yourself.
Send me an email with your Birth Information as follows:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
I will email a PDF your Birth Analysis Reports very quickly! Birth Analysis reports are priced as follows:
PERSONAL Birth Analysis Report plus Natal Chart $25
PROFESSIONAL Birth Analysis Report plus Natal Chart $25
DYNAMIC ANALYSIS Report for 2 years $25
Discover the optimal dates to focus on issues over a 2-year period
COMBINATION Pers/Professional Birth Report $45
ALL 3 Reports above $65
Click on the appropriate "Buy Now" button below and you can submit your birth information on the paypal form where indicated, or you can email your birth information to me at . I will email your Birth Analysis Reports very quickly!
In addition, if you would like a Personal Evolution Coaching Consultation to focus on particular areas of your report, please schedule a time to meet with me either in-person or over the phone. I start with 30 minute sessions at $40 for first 30 minutes if you have previously ordered a report through me.
To order your PERSONAL Birth Analysis for $25, you can securely pay via paypal by clicking this link:
To order your PROFESSIONAL Birth Analysis for $25, you can securely pay via paypal by clicking this link:
To order your COMBINATION PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL Birth Analysis Reports for $45, you can securely pay via paypal by clicking here:
To order ALL 3 Reports: PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL, and DYNAMIC BIRTH ANALYSIS REPORTS, you can securely pay via paypal by clicking here:

Your Birth Analysis is one of the most beneficial and economical ways of gaining ultimate self-awareness about who you are and why you are here. Treat yourself today to a Birth Analysis report!!
Lynn Koll, Soaring Heart Ministries